Vegan Food Trends to come in 2022

(c) Anna Pelzer -
(c) Anna Pelzer -

Vegan alternatives to animal-based products are spreading more and more all over the shops in 2022.


The food industry used even more plant-based sources for vegan products. 


Soon for every non-vegan product, you may find a plant-based alternative.


Vegan paradise is coming!

It gets all even more vegan!

In the beginning of every year, I am looking for the new trends to come for the new year. Most of the products I found were already familiar to me. But the message is clear: There are soon more vegan products to come. For every animal-based food there will be a plant-based alternative. Available for everyone.

Vegan milk in all variations

(c) Brian Suman -
(c) Brian Suman -

Most of us may know vegan milk from almonds or soy. But hold on tight: There will be milk made from peas or even potatoes in your supermarket shelves in the near future.


Potato milk may be the next huge vegan trend this year. Not only because it's new. It is more sustainable and more local grown than soy, what most vegan milk is still made of.

Vegan eggs

(c) Amirali Mirhashemian -
(c) Amirali Mirhashemian -

Last year I already saw some so-called vegan eggs ads on the internet. 


To be more precisely, it is more a substitute for scrambled eggs, you know as a classic breakfast dish or you use for cooking.


Now this product will become more available in the shops this year. Let's see how successful it will become.

Vegan fastfood from the fastfood chains

(c) Amirali Mirhashemian -
(c) Amirali Mirhashemian -

Last year at least the two huge fast food chains Mc Donald's and Burger King started offering vegetarian and vegan hamburgers on their standard menu.


In many fast-food restaurants vegan dishes on the menu are normal today...and the offers are still expanding.


The top players of the fast-food industry embraced a mega trends that came to last.

Vegan cakes

(c) Annie Spratt -
(c) Annie Spratt -

In cafés and supermarkets as well, vegan cakes have their place on the menu.



In supermarkets you may find more and more vegan cakes to bake yourself in the near future, too.


Baking yourself a vegan cake becomes more & more easy now, because of ready-to-use packages with everything you need.


Let's get it started!

Various meat alternatives

(c) LikeMeat
(c) LikeMeat

The presence of vegan meat alternatives in supermarkets is already huge...and there is more to come!


I found jackfruit first on a streetfood festival 2 years ago. It was not bad, but not exactly my thing. It remained something special and not widely available. This year we have hope to find stuff like pulled pork from jackfruit in the supermarket, too.


The food industry tries to imitate more sorts of meat in a plant-based form soon.


Grab your 20%-off-voucher from my affiliate partner Greenforce to try various meat alternatives yourself!

Just click on the link below.

Vegan Seafood

(c) SunOrWind -
(c) SunOrWind -

When I hear vegan seafood, I think of vegan shrimps. This is what I found on vegan food fairs or randomly in organic supermarkets at a high price.


When I was looking for it, it was difficult to find. When I was googling for it, I found it easily, but I would have to buy relatively large quantities; again at a high price. So I let it go.


This year, vegan seafood will join the vegan alternatives for meat in your supermarket.


First of all, the trend goes for vegan salmon. We will see, how price and quality will be accepted on the market.


My guess is, it will still be to expensive to buy it.


Another trendy vegan dish is Banana Blossom Fish. You can consider it as the vegan Fish 'n' Chips version.

Vegan wines

(c) Scott Warman -
(c) Scott Warman -

All of you who know my VegSomm project may know, I have been observing the trend of vegan wines since a couple of years now.


More and more winemakers became aware of producing vegan wines of marking their wines vegan, if they already are.


This trend continues this year. I'm loving it!

My conclusion

You cannot stop this trend anymore! More & more vegan products are coming to give vegans an alternative to animal-based food, of non-vegans a chance to try plant-based that look and taste very much alike the original. Hopefully, to motivate more & more non-vegans to eat more often a plant-based alternative to save animals lives and save the environment. Peace & bon appetit!


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